i am 26 years male....working in dubai since 2008 as civil enggHow to control hair falling and how to make re growth of hair?
Segals Solutions Program. All positives, no negatives. Mighty resultsHow to control hair falling and how to make re growth of hair?
At your age, that is when the Male Pattern Baldness starts to show itself. But there are new advances in treatment made all the time, so I would go to a doctor who specializes in hair loss and find out all you can. Also, do check your thyroid, as hair loss can also be a sign of low thyroid. Are the outside ends of your eyebrows also getting sparse or vanishing? That's a thyroid question. So check that out, too. (Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome has a website with more info -- Google for it.)
Good luck!
Fruits like berry, orange, lemon, grape and melon contain necessary nutrients required for hair.
Vitamin A is very effective in preventing hair loss and hair thinning. Carrot, milk, butter, dark green vegetables are some good source of vitamin A.
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