Thursday, November 11, 2010

Black Hair: How can i bring back my better hair texture?

Im african American and white and maybe Indian but you would never guess by my hair texture now maybe by my features but not my new hair texture.....when i was younger i had curly silky hair and as i get older i find my hair texture becoming worse i think its nappy but other people think its cute. my hair is very thick and i want my curly hair back or at least for it to be nice and soft between perms. WHat can i do, any advice i really dont want to cut it because its down my back and i hate short hair but what can i do any advice???Black Hair: How can i bring back my better hair texture?
try Aussie Moist hair products...its mostly for dry hair but it works extremely good!!! or you could get it chemically straightened.Black Hair: How can i bring back my better hair texture?
it will damage your hair if you brush it right after you get out of the shower, so don't do that....

use specific shampoo and conditioner for what you want for your hair

use mousse after you get out of the shower and don't scrunch, just pull it through

hope i helped ;)
Your hair probably dried out. next time you buy shampoo and conditioner, look for rehydrating shampoo and conditioner.
GO TO YOUTUBE there are tons of vids on how to take care of natural hair like mine and yours. you can get those beautiful curls back with the right care like using less shampoo and finding the right shampoo and conditioner washing your hair every few days so look up natural hair regimens on youtube and visit to see another way to care for your hair with little products!
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