horse shampooHow to grow my hair down my back over summer?
Every month hair grow 1'' when summer ends ur hair grow 3'' long.
Your hair will grow about half an inch per month. Some people say taking vitamins makes your hair and fingernails grow faster, but personally, I've never noticed a difference...
So if your hair grows half an inch per month for four months, that's two inches -- might not be quite as much as you want, but it's a good start!
Well, your hair won't grow that fast no matter what you do. Sorry to dissapoint you, but the most youcan do is use intense moisturizing shampoos and conditioners, with strengthining shampoos and conditioners added in. Use about a table spoon of lemon juice in your hair, let it sit for around 5 minutes and wash it out well. These will help keep your hair healthy, and encourage growth, make split ends myth, and get ride of extra oil and brittleness in your hair. All of those can slow down hair growth.
One thing that helped my hair grow was women multivitamins.I also stopped getting relaxers, weaves, braids, and dye because they all cause alot of brekage and my hair has been the longest it's ever been. I also get my hair done at the salon every couple of weeks whichs helps alot because they know how to take care of your hair, and try not to use heat all the time.
so try this...regular trims are a must, about every 7-9 weeks.(if your hair is really healthy then up the trims to about every 12 weeks, a trim is just a snip off the ends) if its been awhile since you have had a trim then inches may be called for to get to healthy hair. i use vitamin e on fresh washed hair.(its a vitamin that can be purchased where you buy vitamins, cut open capsule, squeeze into hand, rub hands together and apply to hair) dont message into scalp. if you get too much then just rewash it. hair will feel slightly sticky until dry then it will be nice and soft. it tames the frizzies, deep conditions and makes hair grow about three in a month. it takes about a month for the growth part of the e to kick in. the other benefits are instant. dont brush your hair but maybe three or four times a week to message the scalp,dry hair, never wet, i use a wide tooth comb at other times. brushing breaks off hair. biotin is cheap and also promotes hair regrowth and growth. i also have the biotin shampoo that i got from a vitamin store online.(puritans or five bucks for a big bottle and a big bottle of E is about 8 bucks. the biotin is about 3 bucks. i now take my fingers and message my scalp about five times a week, along with the brushing thats a good way to do it without damaging your hair. apply two or three capsules of e to dry hair and message into scalp and hair really well, put damp towel in microwave for 1 min to get hot, then quickly wrap head, a dry towel can be placed over that to help hold in the heat, leave on for 15 min, shampoo well, makes an excellent hot oil treatment. good luck, AND some people will argue about regular trims, your hair does grow from the roots, yes, but if your hair is not trimmed at the bottom, the it splits, get dry and brittle not to mention thin looking from no trims at all and frizzy. then your hair starts to break off at the bottom and giving you the appearance that it never grows. so to make hair grow as fast as possible and keep it healthy, then trims are an essential part of hair care. look on a ruler and check out less then half an inch and if your salon does not know what that is then take a ruler with you, i have. i added beta carotene vitamins to my regimen. i found out that along with the biotin it is very very good in promoting hair growth. they were five bucks for a bottle of 100. got them at walmart. the biotin and e can also be purchased at walmart, and adding all this up is pretty cheap to get great hair. the shampoo is now available in the new food lion stores. just found this out.
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