Thursday, November 11, 2010

My hair has been dyed a lot in the past few years. Any ideas on how to repair it & help it grow?

So the past 3-4 years i've dyed my hair more then i can count; possibly because i went through different stages %26amp; wanted to be different from everyone. . .but its all taken a toll on my hair. . .and i've been left with some damage. I got it cut last year late 2009 and it didn't do much, i have shocking split ends, the last inch or 2 of my hair seems to be wear the most damage is. I don't wanna get it cut again because im trying to have long hair again(my hair is just little lower then my shoulders) any ideas on how i could repair my hair %26amp; also help it to grow, i will get it cut if there are no other options but i'd like it to grow quicker then. HELP PLEASE :(My hair has been dyed a lot in the past few years. Any ideas on how to repair it %26amp; help it grow?
Even if you don't want to get a hair cut, you should at least have the ends trimmed every so often.

And as for the damage... just don't do anymore dying. And try to use a shampoo that helps the damage.My hair has been dyed a lot in the past few years. Any ideas on how to repair it %26amp; help it grow?
Definitely have to keep trimming the edges, until the damage is cleaned up. Otherwise, the damage will keep growing. Use products made specially for damaged hair, and use a hair mask treatment.

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